Saturday, May 13, 2017

It's a bit different, this time...
The scenery is nice, sometimes awesome - but the scale is different. In the US or Canada there is a town every 20-30 miles, but here it's more like 2 or 3. This can slow you down some. Then, the roundabouts are a bit much; one after the other, other, other, etc. So if I expect to see all of Europe, it's going to have to include freeways, a lot more than usual for me. Having said that, the freeways here are nicer than the US ones, which tend to be little more than advertising opportunities (except Vermont!). So when I get hassled by the neighborhoods, I'll find a highway & vise - versa.
Coffee is the other thing - the $1 thermos refill is not happening; in fact no refills of any kind are to be found here. Buy a cup of coffee, that's what you get. So Roberto suggested a Réchaud - it's the blue thing on the bike in the pic. A really cool little gas stove that folds up into a little container  (except for the blue gas bottle, of course) and now I just make my own! And, I've not quite figured out the campfire thing - there aren't any - no fire rings, nothing. Oh, well, maybe other places, there's about 20 or so countries to go!

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