Monday, September 25, 2017

My quest to ride safe is costing me - in value since I see very little of the Italian Mediterranean coast and also in money. It cost me $41.65 to go 155 miles on the highway today. That's $1 for every 3.75 miles! However, I am alive to write the blog entry; very nice. When I talk to people here about Italian driving vengence, not only do they agree but in response to my statement that ItalIan roads are not safe for me, one person said "it's not safe for us!" It's too bad that this is preventing me from enjoying Italy. One other unfortunate aspect about Italy is the trash - it's everywhere! Not so much along the freeways, but along other main roads and smaller ones, trash is all along the roads and in piles at roadside areas. Highly unattractive for those of us who have acquired a respect for beautiful scenery & a clean environment. So tonight is my last night in Italy, departing quite a few days early after spending nearly a month here. Took me 19 days to travel from Switzerland to the farthest point of Sicily and 6 days to get to France on the other side. Arrivedeci...

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